All of the staff members at The Crafty Shack are extremely passionate about the creative process. They put their heart and emotions into their teaching, utilizing their training and sharing them with the community. Here, it is as much about the process as it is the outcome.
I am the owner of The Crafty Shack. It was a life long dream on mine to make art and creativity my full time job. I love introducing art and creativity to ages 1 to 100! I am a self taught artist and have taken many classes to further my abilities. I am a certified teacher with 2 painting companies. My favorite medium is underglazed.
Manager, Greenware Specialist & Ceramic Teacher
I have been at The Crafty Shack for many years. I love teaching people all of the different techniques I know. Dry brushing and kids canvas are my two favorite styles to teach.
Manager, Wheel Thowing Pottery, Ceramic & Canvas Teacher
I was hired at the Crafty Shack in the summer of 2018. My favorite painting technique is dry brushing.
Slipcasting Specialist
Manager & Ceramic Teacher
I have worked with the Crafty Shack family for many many years. My specialties include helping with kids camps and birthday parties. My favorite painting techniques are using glaze and dry brushing with acrylics.
Ceramic & Canvas Teacher
"As long as I can remember I have had a passion to envision and design new and interesting things. I love helping others bring out their artistic side… come on in, let’s create something!"
Ceramic Teacher & Social Media Specialist
I have taken 3 years of ceramic classes in high school and like helping people create art that they are proud of. I specialize in hand building and am always ready to teach people new techniques.
Ceramic Teacher & Greenware Specialist
I have been working at the Crafty Shack since the start of summer 2022. This is a great place to come if you want to relax and paint! We offer many different techniques of painting but my favorites are underglazes and glitter!
Party Specialist & Ceramic Teacher
I was hired at Crafty Shack in the summer of 2021. I really enjoy helping customers with their pieces. My favorite painting techniques include using underglazes and dry brushing with acrylics.
Stock Associate
Party Specialist & Ceramic Teacher
I was hired in the summer of 2023. I have been a long time customer and love to create.
Party Specialist
I was hired in the summer of 2024 and started off right away assisting with kids camps and birthday parties.
Addy C.
Party Specialist
I love assisting with kids camps and birthday parties.